Service charter
The Service Charter is the document that enhances the commitment made by the Foundation with its patients.
In fact, it collects, point by point, the commitments that the G.B. Bietti Foundation for the Study and Research in Ophthalmology ONLUS, as an Institute of hospitalization and care of a scientific nature, promises its users regarding the provision of services, quality standards and the level of information on the methods of protection provided for the user.
In other words, with the Service Charter we are concretely committed to providing our users with high quality services from a human, technical, assistance and research point of view. Values that complement our mission: the advancement of scientific research in the ophthalmological field and the improvement of care thanks to the translation of this research into the clinical field.
The programmes of the G.B. Bietti Foundation
For several years the G.B. Bietti Foundation has devoted much of its scientific activity to the study and treatment of some serious eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinopathies.
For the realization of these research programs, the Foundation has at its disposal modern and state-of-the-art technologies (equipment, devices, drugs) and relies on the collaboration of highly qualified specialists and researchers recognized in the international scientific community.
The healthcare services included in the research projects are dedicated to appropriately selected patients and are free of charge, as they are financed by private bodies or by the Ministry of Health. Vocational training and the study of the organisation of health facilities are also the subject of IRCCS research.

Consult the service charter
In compliance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 19 May 1995, our Service Charter is the document that guides citizens and operators in their activities. The full version of the document can be downloaded or consulted online.