
Honorary President: Prof. Lawyer Emmanuele F.M. Emanuel

President: Prof. Stirpe Mario

Vice President: Prof. Crispo Mario

Secretariat: Forte Isabella

Scientific director: Dott.ssa Varano Monica

Grant Office: Ing. Giannini Daniela

Scientific Secretariat/ECM Provider: Ventriglia Mara

Library: Ing. Giannini Daniela, Ventriglia Mara

President: Prof. Stirpe Mario

Vice President: Prof. Crispo Mario

Scientific director: Dott.ssa Varano Monica

Health director: Dott.ssa Mastromatteo Angela Maria

Managing director: Dott. Lorito Nicola

Head of Complex Operational Unit of Ophthalmology: Dott. Tommaso Rossi

Head of the Glaucoma UR: Dott. Oddone Francesco

Head of RU Anterior Segment with Ocular Attachments: Dott. Schiano Lomoriello Domenico

Head of Retina Medica RU: Dott.ssa Parravano Mariacristina

Head of Surgical Retina RU: Dott. Ripandelli Guido

Head of Ocular Oncology and Toxicology RU: Prof. Midena Edoardo

Responsible for the Neurophysiology of vision and neurophthalmology RU: Prof. Parisi Vincenzo

Head of RU Laboratory: Dott.ssa Micera Alessandra

Mrs. Ventriglia Mara (Secretary)

  1. The Scientific Committee is appointed, with its own determination, by the Scientific Director.
  2. In addition to the Scientific Director with coordinator functions, the members of the Scientific Committee are the researchers in charge of the Operational Units as well as the President and Vice Presidents. The Scientific Director can appoint two further members, even external to the Foundation, with specific professionalism and experience in the Ophthalmology sector. The Medical Director and the Administrative Director participate in the meetings of the Scientific Committee. The President and the Scientific Director may also invite external subjects with specific skills and professionalism to participate in the Scientific Committee according to the topics on the agenda.
  3. The Scientific Director, as coordinator, convenes the meetings and prepares the agenda of the Scientific Committee. Minutes of each meeting are drawn up by the Secretariat of the Scientific Director.
  4. The Scientific Director may delegate, even temporarily, functions or tasks to the members of the Committee.

Glaucoma UR: Dr. Oddone Francesco

UR Anterior segment with ocular adnexa: Dott. Schiano Lomoriello Domenico

UR Medical Retina: Dott.ssa Parravano Mariacristina

UR Surgical Retina: Dott. Ripandelli Guido

RU Ocular Oncology and Toxicology: Prof. Midena Edoardo

RU Neurophysiology of vision and neurophthalmology: Prof. Parisi Vincenzo

RU Laboratories: Dott.ssa Micera Alessandra

Health director: Dott.ssa Mastromatteo Angela Maria

Segreteria Sanitaria: Sig.ra Sabrina Tranquilli

  • URP
  • Acceptance and Booking Service

IC Pharmaceutical Service: Manager Dott.ssa Giuseppina Argento

IC Nursing Service

Clinical Analysis Laboratory: Resp. Dott. Benedetto Sacchetti

Imaging diagnostics: Resp. Dott. Alfonso Amatruda

BIT. Asset management, equipment maintenance, clinical engineering and IT services: Responsible Ing. Claudio Calabrò

  • Technical service: Arch. Flavia Abete
  • IT Service: Mr. Basile Luca, Mr. Vento Gianluca

P.O. Relations with the public, health archive: Responsabile Sig.ra Sabrina Tranquilli

P.O. Administrative Support

Director: Dr Tommaso Rossi

  • U.O.S. Medical retina, low vision and visual rehabilitation: Dr. Mariacristina Parravano in charge
  • U.O.S. Surgical retina and ocular oncology: Head Dr. Guido Ripandelli
  • U.O.S. Pathologies of the anterior segment, uveitis and ophthalmoplasty: Head Dr. Domenico Schiano Lomoriello
  • U.O.S.Neurophthalmology, genetic and rare diseases: Head Prof. Vincenzo Parisi
  • U.O.S. Glaucoma and local hospital integration: Director Dr. Francesco Oddone

Managing director: Dott. Lorito Nicola

General and Legal Affairs: Head Dr. Penniello Giuseppe

Economic and Financial Management:
Dr. Braghetta Claudia (Head)
Dr. Bianchi Micaela

Human Resources and Salary:
Dr. Parisi Letizia (Manager)
Mrs. Urbani Anna

The Supervisory Body is a monocratic body, appointed by the Board of Directors.

It has the task of monitoring the functioning and observance of the Organisational, Management and Control Model adopted by the G.B. Foundation. Bietti pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, and to take care of its updating.

It has autonomous powers of initiative and control.

Risk Manager: Dr. Angela M. Mastromatteo

Protection and Prevention Service: Ing. Alessandro Sarandrea

Quality Management: Ing. Bisson Enrico

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