Dr. Ziccardi Lucia

Hereditary retinal dystrophies
Pathologies of the optic pathways
Electrophysiology of Vision
Medical activity: Works at IRCCS G.B. Bietti in the offices Via Livenza, 3 and Via di santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at Presidio Ospedaliero Britannico, Rome
Scientific publication : PubMed
- 1996 High School Diploma (Classic Lyceum “F. D’Ovidio”, Larino (CB))
- 2002 Medical degree with honours at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Catholic University of
the Sacred Hearth of Rome)
- 2003 National license of Medicine (Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth of Rome)
- 2006 Residency in Ophthalmology with honours (Department of Ophthalmology, Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth of Rome)
- 2008 Post-doc fellowship in molecular biology of the inherited retinal dystrophies (National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (USA))
- 2012 PhD in neurobiology of the neurodegenerative diseases, visual plasticity and neural
development with honours (Cycle XXIV: Department of Science and Biomedical Technologies,
University of l’Aquila)
- 2007-2008 Clinical fellowship at the Neurophysiology and Neurophthalmology Unit, IRCCS Fondazione “G.B. Bietti”, Rome
- 2008-2011 PhD. at the Department of Science and Biomedical Technologies, University of l’Aquila. Post-doc fellowship at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (USA)
- 2012-2015 Contractor Co.Co.Co as clinical scientist and researcher at the Neurophysiology and Neurophthalmology Unit, IRCCS Fondazione “G.B. Bietti”, Rome
- 2015-current Ophthalmologist and full time clinical senior researcher at the Neurophysiology and Neurophthalmology Unit, IRCCS Fondazione “G.B. Bietti”, Rome
– 2006-2007 e 2007-2008. Teaching with Lectures and Tutorial activities for the residents in Orthoptic and Ophthalmological Assistant Course at the Catholic University of Rome, Italy (Subjects: Neurophthalmology: 25 hours, Ocular Motility and Strabismus :30 hours)
– 2006-present. Medical specialist ophthalmologist in the field of electrophysiology of vision, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, medical retina and hereditary diseases of the retina and optic nerve, such as Leber’s hereditary neurotticopathy, retinitis pigmentosa and its syndromic forms, Best’s, Stargardt’s maculopathy, cone, cone-rod and rod-cone retinal dystrophies, albinism, juvenile X-linked retinoschisis and occult macular dystrophy
2008-2012. Clinical- scientific researcher and associated or principal investigator in pre-clinical toxicity studies relative to gene therapy on X-linked retinoschisis and in understanding basic molecular mechanisms on inherited retinal dystrophies at the National Eye Institute, USA.
2012-current. Clinical and scientific senior researcher , associated or principal investigator in clinical trials on electrophysiology of vision, neurophthalmology, inherited retinal dystrophies, neuroprotection, optic pathways diseases, glaucomatous optic neuropathy and ischemic optic neuropathy
2020-2029. National Scientific Qualification obtained by qualifications for Diseases of the Visual System
Competition Sector 06 / F2 – Band II – Fifth Quarter Year 2018/2020; NOTICE D.D. 2175/2018; question n.37342
– Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
– International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV)
– American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
– American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT)
– Italian Pediatric Ophthalomology Society (SIOP)
– Italian Society of Medical Ophthalmologists (AIMO)
(2007) Phase 4 Study: Neural Conduction Along the Visual Pathways After Oral Treatment With Citicoline in Patients With Optic Nerve Diseases. Associated investigator
2008-2011: Phase I Study of RS1 Ocular Gene Transfer for X-linked Retinoschisis. Principal Investigator: Prof. Paul A. Sieving.
(2012) No-profit clinical study. NEU-01-2012 (Fondazione Bietti – IRCCS). Evaluation of the potential neuroprotective action of Citicoline added to the topic hypotonic therapy for the maintenance or amelioration of the visual functional deficit in patients affected by glaucoma. Associated investigator
(2012-2013) ST-200-ODU-09-01, sponsorized study on the effects of oral administration of L-acetil carnitine on the visual function in patients affected by Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Associated investigator
2013) LHON Historical Case Record Survey sponsorized by AIBILI (EVICr.net). Associated investigator
2013) Use of Saffron in patients affected by early age-related macular degeneration (ABCA4 mutation positive). Associated investigator
(2013) linical study by DOMPE’ NGF0113 “A 24 week phase Ib/II, multicenter, randomized, double-masked, vehicle controlled, parallel group, dose ranging study with a 24 week follow-up period to evaluate the safety and potential efficacy of two doses (60 and 180 ug/ml) of recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) eye drops solution versus vehicle in patients with typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP)”. The study was about the topical administration of rhNGF (recombinant human nerve growth factor) drops in a orphan disease called retinitis pigmentosa. Associated investigator
(2013) Futuro in Ricerca 2013 (M.I.U.R.) Project proposal on the neuroprotective effect of Nerve Growth Factor topically administrated in young and adults subjects with visual deficits due to optic nerve gliomas. Code: RBFR13DT7J. Associated investigator
(2013) Clinical trial NCT00055029: “Clinical and genetic studies of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS)”. Enrollement of patients affected by XLRS candidated to gene therapy. Promoter: Section for Translation Research in Retinal and Macular degeneration, NIH/NEI Bethesda, MD (USA). Associated investigator
(2011) Clinical Study sponsorized by the Italian Agency of Drug (AIFA) (Fondazione Bietti – IRCCS NEU-08-2011) on the evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of Minocicline ad adjuvant therapy for the maintenance of visual function in glaucoma. Associated investigator
(2014-2015) Clinical and functional characterization of rare ocular diseases genetically transmitted. 5×1000 grant Fondazione Bietti. (2011), Rome. NEU-01-2014. Principal Investigator
(2016) SNT-CRS-002 observational study promoted by Santhera Pharmaceuticals: “Historical case record survey of visual acuity data from patients with Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)”. Associated investigator
(2016) (Observational study 5×1000 founds by Ministry of Health from 2013 years (Fondazione Bietti – IRCCS NEU-01-2016). Functional evaluation of retinal changes for post-neuritic degenerative processes in patients affected by multiple sclerosis. Principal investigator
(2016) No profit clinical study (Fondazione Bietti – IRCCS, NEU-03-2016) Neuroprotection and neuro-enhancement in a model of neurodegeneration of the optic nerve (ischemic optic neuritis): evaluation of the morpho-functional changes with Citicoline oral solution. Associated investigator
(2014-2017) Institutional Research project from the Ministry of Health: RF-2011-02347280.
Morphofunctional visual pathways evaluation in multiple sclerosis: possible identification of neurodegenerative biomarkers. Associated investigator
(2019-2021) Non-profit clinical study, funds 5×1000 Ministry of Health (Bietti Foundation – IRCCS): “Molecular basis of the hereditary dystrophies of the retina and optic nerve”. Study in collaboration with the National Institute of Health. RET-02-2019. Head of the study: Dr. Lucia Ziccardi; Principal Investigator: Prof. Monica Varano
(2021) Sponsored Clinical Study (MeiraGTx): MGT-RPGR-0023 – Study to Determine Presence of Genetically Confirmed RPGR-Associated XLRP Patients at Investigational Sites for Potential Participation in Future Clinical Research Studies. Principal Investigator: Dr. Lucia Ziccardi
(2022) Sponsored Clinical Study (Jansenn-MeiraGTx): MGT-RPGR-0021 and 0022 – Phase 3 Randomized, Controlled Study of AAV2 / 5-hRKp.RPGR for the Treatment of X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Associated with Variants in the RPGR gene. Principal Investigator: Dr. Lucia Ziccardi
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals:
-International Ophthalmology
-The International Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Springer
-Journal of Ophthalmology and Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine, Hindawi
-Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
– Acta Diabetologica
– European Journal of Ophthalmology
– The International Journal of Molecular Science
– Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology
– Acta Ophthalmologica
– Documenta Ophthalmologica
– Advances in Therapy
– Scientific Reports
Author of numerous scientific publications (articles, book chapters, reviews) of national and international impact and speaker at numerous seminars and congresses in the field of neuroscience and ophthalmology accredited by Agenas (ECM) at national and international level.
1997: Study Check from the SISM (Catholic University of Rome) to participate in a bilateral exchange program among university students for a period of clinical practice. The assigned program was at the Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine (Turkey).
1997: Award as Best Student with a fellowship and university fees exemption by the Catholic University of Rome.
1998: Award as Best Student with a fellowship and university fees exemption by the Catholic University of Rome.
1999: Fellowship received by the Catholic University of Rome, as one of the Worthiest University Students. The award was part of the Socrates Project. The fellowship consisted of a period of study and trip to the University of Salamanca (Spain) Program of Docencia Practica de Inmunologia, Patologia General y Anatomia Patologica General. Internship at the Institute of “Patologia General y Medicina Interna”, Prof. Josè Carretero Gonzalez and Prof. Josè Cordero.
2005: Travel grant from the “G. B. Bietti “ Eye Foundation for the following poster presentation at the ARVO Meeting Fort Lauderdale, FL (USA), “Regional cone Function in Age-related Maculopathy Evaluated by Focal ERG and static Perimetry: Central losses not linked to morphological changes”
Authors: Ziccardi L., Piccardi M., Falsini B., Montrone L., Stifano G., Iarossi G., Fadda A., Minnella A.M.
2008-2011: Post-doctoral fellowship award at the National Eye Institute, National Institute of Health, Section for Translation and Research in Retinal and Macular Degeneration in Bethesda, Maryland (USA). Working projects on gene therapy for X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
2009: Best oral presentation at the 47th ISCEV International Congress. Abano Terme, 9 July 2009 with the communication Evolution of ERG changes in XLRS with severe progressive phenotype on cross sectional study from null RS1 mutation (354 del1-ins18) Authors: Ziccardi L., Vijayasarathy C., Zeng Y., Smaoui N.,Meltzer MR, Caruso RC, Sieving PA Oral Presentation: OS-6/1