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Dr. Ripandelli Guido

Head of the Surgical Retina Research Unit
Ripandelli Guido
Linea di ricerca: Medical and surgical retina
Unità di ricerca: UR Surgical Retina

Medical activity: Works at IRCCS G.B. Bietti  in the offices of Via Livenza, 3 and  Via di santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at Presidio Ospedaliero Britannico, Rome.

Scientific publication: PubMed


  • 1990 Degree in Medicine and Surgery “maximum cum laude”, University of Rome – Tor Vergata. Thesis on “Ultrastructural Aspects of Epiretinal Membranes.
  • 1994 Specialization in Ophthalmology “maximum cum laude”, University of Rome- Tor Vergata. Director Prof. Massimo G. Bucci.
  • 1990, May Medical Training at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Bonn, Germany. Director Prof. Manfred Spitznas.
  • 1993 (April-July) Visiting Resident at the Department of Ophthalmology “Milton Hershey Medical Center” – The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, USA. Direttore Prof. George W. Blankenship.

·         From 1994-ongoing Instrumental and clinical diagnostics and surgery on vitreoretinal diseases at IRCCS- “G.B.  Bietti” Foundation, Rome, Italy.

·         January– August 1997 Training on anterior segment surgery at the Department of Ophthalmology of Ospedale civile “SS. Giovanni e Paolo”, Venice, Italy. Director Prof. Paolo Caprioglio .

·         September 1997 – July 1998 Anterior Segment surgery at the Ophthalmology Department of the Clinic “Madonna delle Grazie”,   Velletri, Italy. Director Dott. Michele Del Duca.

·         From 1998 to 2001:  Teaching Professor at the School of Specialization in Ophthalmology,

University of Rome-“Tor Vergata”.

·         From 2001 to 2008:  Chief of Vitreoretinal Surgery Unit at Clinica “Siligato”, Civitavecchia, Italy.

·         From  January 2003 to June 2008:  Researcher at the University “Campus Bio-Medico”, Rome, Italy.

·         From January 2003 to December 2008: teaching assignment of “Clinical and instrumental semeiotics” for the School of Specialization in Ophthalmology as “Lecturer” at the “Campus Bio-Medico” University of Rome


·         From January 2008-ongoing: Chief of the Vitreoretinal Surgery Unit and Head of the scientific research on vitreoretinal diseases of the IRCCS-“G.B. Bietti” Foundation, Rome, Italy

1991-ongoing:  Member of the Societa’ Italiana di Oftalmologia (S.O.I.)

1997-2003:  Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

1999-2003:  Member of the Vitreous Society

1999-ongoing:  Member of the Società Italiana della Retina (S.I.R.)

2002-ongoing:  Member of the Club Jules Gonin

2004-ongoing:  International Member of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology

2005-ongoing:  Member of the Retina Society

2013: Principal surgical investigator in the multicentric international clinical trial “Italy-USA: Proteomic analysis of ocular proliferative diseases to identify novel diagnostic tools and therapeutic targets”. Senior Investigator: Francesco Facchiano, MD., PhD. Department of Hematology, Oncology and Molecular Medicine – Italian National Institute of Health, Italy; USA partner and affiliation: Manuela Bartoli, PhD. Associate Professor Medical College of Georgia (Georgia Health Science University); External collaboration: Prof. Mario Stirpe, MD. President IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti, Roma.

Reviewer of scientific papers on Editor’s request for the Scientific Journals:



“Journal of Clinical and Science Engineering”,

“British Journal of Ophthalmology”,

“European Journal of Ophthalmology”,

“Scientific Reports”,


“Ophthalmology Retina”.

From 1998-ongoing: Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal “Seminars in Ophthalmology”, Swets and Zeitlinger Ed., Holland.


1998: Author and “Guest Editor” of “Seminars in Ophthalmology” vol. 13, n.4, December 1998:”Retinal diagnostic techniques”. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, USA.


2003: Author and “Guest Editor” of “Seminars in Ophthalmology” vol. 18, n.2, December 2003:”Optical Coherence Tomography”. Swets and Zeitlinger Ed., Holland.


2005: Author of the monography: “La tomografia a coerenza ottica. Dalla interpretazione alla diagnosi”, Scassa C., Ripandelli G., INC ed.

2019: Teaching Award al 9th Thessaloniki International Vitreo-Retinal Summer School, 24-28 June, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.

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