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Dr. Mottola Federica

Mottola Federica

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Medical activity: Works at IRCCS Foundation G.B. Bietti in the offices of Via Livenza, 3 and Via di Santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at the British Hospital, Rome


  • 2011/2014: 1st level degree in Orthoptics and assistance in ophthalmology 110/110 cum laude, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, A. Gemelli University Hospital, Rome
  • 2015, Attendance at the IRCCS G.B. Bietti, medical retina line
  • 2016/2017, Attendance at the S.C. of Ophthalmology of the IRCCS Maternal and Child Burlo Garofolo of Trieste

• 2015/2017: Freelance orthoptist at the eye clinic of Dr Carlo Salati, director of FF SOC Ophthalmology of    the Integrated University Health Authority of Udine

• 2017/2020: Employee orthoptist at IRCCS E. Medea, “La Nostra Famiglia” Association, Pasian di Prato (UD)

• 2021 – to date : Contractor at the IRCCS G.B. Foundation Bietti at UO Anterior Segment and Ocular Adnexa

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