Dr. Esposito Graziana
Medical activity: Basic research activity at the UR Ophthalmology laboratory of the IRCCS Foundation G.B.Bietti, located in Via di S. Stefano Rotondo, 6 - Ospedale Britannico - Rome
Scientific publication: PubMed
Graziana Esposito (22/12/1981) graduated in Biological Sciences in 2011, at the UNIVPM of Ancona.
In 2006 she obtained the title “Master in Biotechnology” at the “Carlo Bo” University of Urbino.
From 2006 to 2008 he attended the UNIVPM Medical Clinic laboratory. Winner in 2012 of
a scholarship at the Ophthalmology laboratory of the IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti. From 2014 to
2017 he carries out scientific project activities aimed at studying the role of the Nerve Growth
Factor (NGF) and the national project MaBios: FILAS-RU-2014-1112. From 2018 to today he
carries out indefinite research activities at the Ophthalmology laboratory of the IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti.
2018 to today : Permanent contract at IRCCS Bietti Foundation – UR / Research Laboratory
2014 – 2017: IRCCS Contractor G.B. Foundation Bietti, UOSD Laboratories
2012-2013: Fellow at the Ocular Surface laboratory, Line 1 / UO3 Ocular Surface, IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti
2013 fellowship at the Laboratory of Ophthalmology of the IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation
2012 fellowship at the Laboratory of Ophthalmology of the IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation