Dr. Carnevale Carmela

Medical activity: Works at IRCCS G.B. Bietti in the offices Via Livenza, 3 and Via di santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at Presidio Ospedaliero Britannico, Rome.
Scientific publication: PubMed
linkedin: Carmela Carnevale
2006: High School graduation at Liceo Ginnasio Statale “Piero Gobetti” – Fondi (LT) (100/100)
2012: Degree in Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome with 110/110 and honors.
2017: Ophthalmology residency at Sapienza University of Rome with 70/70 and honors.
2018: Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology. EBOD Diploma. Paris, France
2018: High level course Planning and analysis of clinical trials. University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome
2019: Master in Bioethics for Clinical Trials and Ethical Committee. Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona
From 01/01/2019 to present: Glaucoma Unit Researcher at IRCCS-G.B. Bietti Foundation, Rome, Italy
2017-2018: Medical Researcher at “Istituto di Ricerca Neuroftalmologia Srl”, Rome, Italy
2017: Clinical and research activity at Glaucoma Unit-IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation, Rome, Italy
2016: Observer Student at Ophtalmology Medical Retina Unit IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation, Rome, Italy
S.O.I. (Società Oftalmologica Italiana)
S.I.O.L. (Società Italiana di Oftalmologia Legale)
A.I.S.G. (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Glaucoma)
Co-investigator in clinical trial:
• “Evaluation of the vitreous concentration of Citicoline after topical ocular administration: ocular pharmacokinetic study in humans”
• “Evaluation of the potential effect on the visual function of Citicoline in ocular liposomal solution, in addition to hypotonic topical therapy in patients with glaucoma: Pre-market clinical investigation”
• “Evaluation of spatial summation in the central 10 degrees of the visual field: development of a neural model for structure – function analysis”
• “24-hour efficacy and tolerability of the tafluprost-timolol fixed association without preservatives in glaucomatous or ocular hypertensive patients already treated with latanoprost preserved with bak. A prospective, open study of 3 months duration “
• “A phase III, multinational, multicenter, investigator-masked, randomized, active-controlled trial, comparing the efficacy and safety of DE-130A with Xalatan® in patient with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertention over a 3-month period, followed by a 12-month follow-up with open-label De-130A treatment. “
• “Basic human research study of novel glaucoma endpoints and identification of optimal patient populations for neuroprotection trials”
• “A Phase 3b Study to Evaluate the Duration of Effect of Bimatoprost SR in Participants with Open-Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension”
• “Evaluation of the concentration of ß-amyloid and of intracellular proteolytic pathways on tissues and ocular fluids of patients undergoing glaucoma surgery combined or not with cataract surgery”
Author of several publications:
- Salvatore S, Carnevale C, Infussi R, Arrico L, Vingolo EM. Waardenburg Syndrome: a review of literature and case reports. Clin Ter. 2012;163(2):e85-94..
- Verallo O, Fragiotta S, Carnevale C, De Rosa V, Vingolo EM. Subconjunctival Loiasis: case reports and review of cases described in Italy. Clin Ter. 2013;164(2):e127-31.
- Grenga R, Komaiha C, Bianchi G, Carnevale C, Andreoli C, Gualdi G. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous: case report and literature review. Clin Ter. 2013;164(6):e497-503.
- Domanico D, Carnevale C, Fragiotta S, Verboschi F, Altimari S, Vingolo EM. Cystoid macular edema induced by low doses of nicotinic Acid. Case Rep Ophthalmol Med. 2013;2013:713061.
- Domanico D, Fragiotta S, Cutini A, Carnevale C, Zompatori L, Vingolo EM. Circulating levels of reactive oxygen species in patients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy and the influence of antioxidant supplementation: 6-month follow-up. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2015 Jan;63(1):9-14.
- Vingolo EM, Carnevale C, Fragiotta S, Rigoni E, Iacobelli L. Visual outcomes and contrast sensitivity after bilateral implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses with +2.50 or +3.0 diopter addition: 12 months follow-up. Semin Ophthalmol. 2017;32(5):588-592.
- Fragiotta S, Carnevale C, Cutini A, Vingolo EM. Correlation between retinal function and microstructural foveal changes in intermediate age related macular degeneration. Int J Retina Vitreous. 2017 May 8;3:8.
- Fragiotta S, Carnevale C, Cutini A, Rigoni E, Grenga PL, Vingolo EM. Factors Influencing Fixation Stability Area: A Comparison of Two Methods of Recording. Optom Vis Sci. 2018 Apr;95(4):384-390.
- Fragiotta S, Rossi T, Carnevale C, Cutini A, Tricarico S, Casillo L, Scuderi G, Vingolo EM. Vitreo-macular interface disorders in retinitis pigmentosa. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2019 Oct;257(10):2137-2146.
- Roberti G, Tanga L, Manni G, Riva I, Verticchio AC, Berardo F, Carnevale C, Oddone F. Tear Film, Conjunctival and Corneal Modifications Induced by Glaucoma Treatment. Curr Med Chem. 2019;26(22):4253-4261.
- Parisi V, Oddone F, Roberti G, Tanga L, Carnevale C, Ziccardi L, Manni G. Enhancement of Retinal Function and of Neural Conduction Along the Visual Pathway Induced by Treatment with Citicoline Eye Drops in Liposomal Formulation in Open Angle Glaucoma: A Pilot Electrofunctional Study. Adv Ther. 2019 Apr;36(4):987-996.
- Carnevale C, Manni G, Roberti G, Micera A, Bruno L, Cacciamani A, Altafini R, Quaranta L, Agnifili L, Tanga L, Riva I, Oddone F. Human vitreous concentrations of citicoline following topical application of citicoline 2% ophthalmic solution. PLoS One. 2019 Nov 14;14(11):e0224982.
- Oddone F, Rossetti L, Parravano M, Sbardella D, Coletta M, Ziccardi L, Roberti G, Carnevale C, Romano D, Manni G, Parisi V. Citicoline in Ophthalmological Neurodegenerative Disease: A Comprehensive Review. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2021 Mar 20;14(3):281.
- Oddone F, Roberti G, Posarelli C, Agnifili L, Mastropasqua L, Carnevale C, Micelli Ferrari T, Pace V, Sacchi M, Cremonesi E, Uva M, Menchini M, Brescia L, Figus M. Endothelial Cell Density after XEN Implant Surgery: Short term Data from the Italian XEN Glaucoma Treatment Registry (XEN-GTR). J Glaucoma 2021 Apr 2.
- Carnevale C, Riva I, Roberti G, Michelessi M, Tanga L, Verticchio Vercellin A, Agnifili L, Manni G, Harris A, Quaranta L, Oddone F. Confocal Microscopy and Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of the Ocular Surface and Bleb Morphology in Medically and Surgically Treated Glaucoma Patients: A Review. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2021 Jun 18;14(6):581.
- Parisi V, Ziccardi L, Tanga L, Roberti G, Barbano L, Carnevale C, Manni G, Oddone F. Neural Conduction Along Postretinal Visual Pathways in Glaucoma. Front Aging Neurosci. 2021 Aug 2;13:697425.
- Quaranta L, Bruttini C, De Angelis G, Montescani S, Ardizzone A, Katsanos A, Carnevale C, Oddone F, Riva I. A Comparison of Hyper-Reflective Retinal Spot Counts in Optical Coherence Tomography Images from Glaucomatous and Healthy Eyes. J Clin Med. 2021 Oct 12;10(20):4668.
- Verticchio Vercellin A, Harris A, Siesky B, Zukerman R, Tanga L, Carnevale C, Scarinci F, Oddone F. Agreement of rebound and applanation tonometry intraocular pressure measurements during atmospheric pressure change. PLoS One. 2021 Oct 28;16(10):e0259143.
Book’s chapters:
- Salvatore S, Carnevale C, Plateroti P, Vingolo EM. Biofeedback Rehabilitation in Ophthalmology. Raimondo Lagana and Salvatore M. Esposito. Rehabilitation: Practices, Psychology and Health. p. 67-87, NEW YORK: Nova Publisher, 2012, ISBN: 9781620810651.
- Grenga R, Carnevale C. Patologia del Cristallino. In Manuale di patologie degli organi di senso a cura di Polimeni, Filipo, Iannetti, Pivetti. 2014 EDRA LSWR S.p.A.
- Vingolo EM, Carnevale C, Cutini A, Fragiotta S. Epiteliopatia Pigmentar Placóide Multifocal Posterior Aguda. In: Vilela MAP, Putz C, Dantas AM. Retina Clínica. Texto e Atlas. Rio de Janeiro, Cultura Médica, 2016, p.313-318. ISBN 978-85-7006-668-8.