The Library of the IRCCS Foundation G.B. Bietti is a space entirely dedicated to research that makes available free of charge to doctors and scholars the most important national and international publications in the field of ophthalmology.
It is located at the headquarter of the Foundation in Via Livenza 3.
- more than 500 periodicals and numerous monographs
- over 5,000 national and international journals in electronic and full-text format (BIBLIOSAN)
- fixed electronic consultation stations and wi-fi access to library resources
- help-desk service for access to online and paper resources
Download the list of periodicals available in paper or electronic format (the supply of documents takes place on a reciprocal and free exchange basis, for the sole purpose of study and research, according to current copyright regulations.
Should you require any info
- +39 06 840009461
- Manager: Eng. Daniela Giannini
- Contact person/Librarian: Ms. Mara Ventriglia
How to access library resources
The journals of the Library of the G.B. Bietti Foundation from which it is possible to obtain articles in full text are divided into 3 categories:
- Online magazines available through the Bibliosan network
- Online magazines to which the Foundation subscribes directly
- Paper magazines present on site.
- Online magazines available through the Bibliosan network: you can access the full texts of the magazines available in the A to Z list on the website. Most of the resources are available in full while others have an embargo of a few months (i.e. the latest issues are not available in full text). To access the A to Z list it is necessary to connect to the Bibliosan site through the network of the Via Livenza headquarter.
- Online magazines not available through the Bibliosan network to which the Foundation is subscribed directly: the full texts of the magazines that are not present in the Bibliosan list to which the Foundation is subscribed are accessible directly and exclusively from the headquarters of Via Livenza but not remotely. It is not necessary to enter any credentials as access is via recognition of the Foundation’s IP address.
- Journals not available through the Bibliosan network to which the Foundation is not subscribed: the full text of the articles present in journals to which the Foundation is not subscribed and that are not present in the Bibliosan list can be requested directly to the Foundation’s Library by e-mail (
- Paper magazines present on site: the full text of the articles present in paper magazines owned by the Foundation’s Library can be requested directly to the Library by e-mail (
In addition, thanks to the Bibliosan network, through the Class interface, after registration, it is possible to connect to all Bibliosan resources directly from home or from anywhere in the world. Through the Nilde (Network Internet-Library) system, the user can request items from the Document-Delivery service of the Library to which he/she is accredited and know at any time the status of his/her requests until receipt of the document.