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Dr. Petruzzella Francesca

Orthoptist / Assistant in Ophthalmology
FondazioneBietti_Petruzzella Francesca
Research unit: RU Surgical Retina

Medical activity: Works at IRCCS G.B. Bietti  in the offices of Via Livenza, 3 and  Via di santo Stefano Rotondo 6, at Presidio Ospedaliero Britannico, Rome.

Scientific publication: PubMed


Dr. Francesca Petruzzella graduated in “Orthoptics and Ophthalmological Assistance” at the “ University of

Palermo”. Since 2018 she is working as a contractor at IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation, under the supervision

of Prof. Stirpe and Dr. Ripandelli.

Since 2018 – to present: Fellowship at the IRCCS G.B. Bietti Foundation

Since 2018 she has been carrying on her activity at G.B. Bietti’s Foundation. Her activity mainly concerns ophthalmological assistance in the field of the instrumental diagnostics of the vitreo-retinal interface diseases.

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